If only the Uhaul came with a free protein shake...what a double whammy!
This weekend I learned that pain can come with a reward. Right now I hurt everywhere, including my eyeballs, but actually that is from falling asleep watching Seinfeld on my computer. The point is, I'm hurting, but the reward is that I learned to push myself, and I know I'm getting stronger.
Let me take you on the guided Tour De Pain...
Shoulders: hurt from training with Sean on Saturday. It was my introduction to cross fit, which is pretty awesome. My two favorite parts were 1. I didn't quit when I was tired, and I ended up using heavier weights than usual. 2. We only had to work out for 20 minutes because it was so intense. We started with some dynamic stretching, and then we did three sets of dead lifts, box jumps, and something I don't know what to call--squats where you swing a weight like a kettlebell. After that we did biceps, which normally I pretty much ignore, except to do kind of lame curls while checking myself out in the mirror. Sean showed me the light and made me admit that it's time to get it together and do real arm exercises.
Biceps: pain from Saturday's workout.
Tendons near my elbows: really hurt, but this is from carrying boxes over the weekend when I moved into my new apartment.
Back muscles: really hurt. Either from the boxes, opening and closing the giant moving truck's door, sleeping on my new mattress, or Sean's workout. Results are unclear.
Legs: Hurt from box jumps with Sean. Also from walking into boxes in the new apartment.
In conclusion, both cross fit and moving day can give you pain, and yet both pains come with rewards--being stronger and having an awesome apartment. So really, it all evens out. Now if only I could find a way to make that reward come in either cash or ice cream form. I'll let you guys know how that works out. I probably need to study the arts of alchemy.
(In case you are wondering, Sunday I ran for 4.5 miles on the tredmill, and today I did abs and spin class.)