Running is fun when you take in the scenery. Except not fun if when you pause to take a picture someone tries to steal your wallet. New York always keeps you on your toes.
At Customer Service, I get a lot of questions about training for Tough Mudder, specifically about the relative importance of running versus lifting. Of course strength is important. Sean is always on my case about lifting more, and he's right. Also, some people think running is boring, especially if you're on a treadmill. More like brain-dead-mill, am I right? Hello? Is this thing on?
But hello, Tough Mudder is a lot about running. It's important, and it can be fun. Many famous people in different eras have been running enthusiasts. When Bill Clinton was president, he was known to go jogging. Yes, it counts when you're running to get McDonalds--it's about the journey, not the destination. Ed Norton did the NYC marathon, and he's awesome. President John Quincy Adams enjoyed swimming naked in the Potomac River--and maybe if he'd gone running more, people wouldn't have run away screaming every time he prepared to take a dip.
I usually run 3--4 times a week--hill training, sprints, and one or two plain distance runs. The other day I ran five miles, and I want to do 5.5 next week. One of my favorite things about summer, besides ice cream (...I mean...protein powder?) is getting to run outside. It's great to see NYC waking up, and I feel like I get let in on a little secret side of New York, and no I don't mean the gentleman's club The Secret Side by the East River. Get your mind out of the gutter, mudders.

I like to run through the West Village, because a)it's beautiful
and b)maybe I will see a famous person.

Here's the Union Square farmer's market getting set up. I wanted to stop and buy some cookies, but then I realized how sad that would look. Also, I suspect Sean would somehow find out and then I'd be in big trouble.

Every time I run past the W Hotel in Union Square, I think "Sure, you may be fancy and awesome and full of cool people...but can you run through fire? I don't even see you registered in active.com."

Then it's time for work, where sometimes the guys make smoothies! FUN! Except why does this taste like Dogfish?
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